Kazi Employment Program
The Employment program objectives include:
- Reduce barriers to employment for LGBTQ and people living with HIV and support clients as they enter the workforce
- Provides confidential support and information to help you make informed choices and set realistic employment goals
- To increase client knowledge of their options related to education and employment opportunities
- To inform clients about employment rights and workplace accommodation
The Kazi program provides the following:
- The Kazi Employment Counsellor will give you one-on-one support with:
- Understanding policies about receiving ODSP/OW supports, going to school and finding work while receiving ODSP/OW supports
- Providing information about applying to schools and training options such as college, university, apprenticeship, ESL, upgrading and applying for student loans
- The development of résumés, cover letters, job search skills and gaining interview and networking skills
- Changing careers and learning about the job you would like to get
- Learning about your rights in the workplace and requesting workplace accommodations
- How to access health benefits or maintain your current workplace benefits
- Workshops – Kazi provides a five-day workshop series called Journey to Employment. This workshop series will help you prepare to find a job in a confidential learning environment with your peers.
Pour des services d’établissement en français et/ou la formation linguistique en français, veuillez contacter: 416-922-2672 ou www.centrefranco.org
Vous pouvez également cliquer ici ou obtenir une liste complète des fournisseurs près de chez vous.
Helen Ford Gordon
Employment Counsellor
Phone: 416-977-9955, ext. 270
Email: h.fordgordon@black-cap.com