Community and Business Meeting

We are writing to inform you of the updated venue for our upcoming Community Meeting on Thursday, October 24, 2024. You are welcome to join us either in person or online:


Regent Park Community Centre

402 Shuter St., Toronto, ON M5A 1X6

Registration starts at 5:30 PM (ET).

Please remember to register early to secure your spot for in-person attendance, as voting will be conducted in person only.

To register, please click the link below:


The Transition Board

Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP)

[HOLD] Community Meeting – OCT 24 2024

Community Meeting with Transition Board

We hope this message finds you well.

Please hold the date for an important Community Meeting hosted by our Transition Board at Black CAP on Thursday, October 24, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the Regent Park Community Centre.

This meeting will provide key updates regarding our organization’s governance, financial status, programs, and operations. Your participation is crucial to ensuring the continued success of Black CAP and its mission.

Kindly be on the look for an official invitation, including the meeting agenda.

We look forward to your engagement and input.


The Transition Board

Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP)

Transitional Board Recruitment:  Calling for Nominees

Transitional Board Recruitment: Calling for Nominees

Friday, July 19, 2024

Introducing Our Transitional Board of Directors
We are specially grateful to the 80 members who joined in person and online, community supporters and partners who attended the July 18th, 2024, Special Members’ Meeting. This meeting focused on putting in place a Transitional Board to help guide the organization and stabilize operations.
We are pleased to announce that the Member’s approved the implementation of a Transitional Board of up to seven (7) Directors, for a term not to exceed 12 months or until the 2025 Annual General Meeting. 
Recruitment for Additional Transitional Board Members
 At that meeting the Membership elected four (4) members to serve as part of a Transitional Board and we are looking to secure three (3) additional members.
In filling these three (3) Board positions, Black CAP is focused on securing youth participation, and individuals with Financial and Legal expertise. If you wish to contribute to the rebuilding work of the Transitional Board and to seek election to the Board kindly complete an application before Friday, July 26, 2024 using the link below;

Kindly note;

To qualify as a director, an individual must

Important reminder that those elected to serve on the Transitional Board are not eligible to serve on the longer-term Board, or to be employed by the organization within 2 years after leaving the Transitional Board. Hence, if you wish to be considered for employment or membership the long-term Board you should not apply to serve on the Transitional Board.

With sincere gratitude and solidarity,

Transitional Board of Directors, Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention


Monday, July 8, 2024

Notice of Special Meeting of the Members

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Greetings, Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (“Black CAP”) Membership, community members and stakeholders.

Thank you to all the members who attended the Town Hall meeting on June 13, 2024.  From that meeting members, staff, community and stakeholders voiced their concerns about governance and operations leadership of Black CAP.  Your concerns were heard and since then the Board has been focused on addressing the crisis that the organization faces.  

This notice is to inform you that Black CAP is calling a Special Member’s Meeting for

Thursday, July 18th, 2024, 6:30 pm (ET)

Registration will open at 5.30 pm

at Location to be confirmed.

Location and meeting package details will follow by July 12th, 2024.

The purpose of the meeting is as follows

To fill vacancies on the board of directors by electing members to serve on a Transitional Board of Directors of Black CAP for a period not to exceed one (1) year or until the annual general meeting of Black CAP in 2025.

This meeting and voting will be held in-person only. This is out of an abundance of caution due to previous concerns explained at last year’s Special Members Meeting about Proxy voter intimidation; hence we will not permit Proxy voting at this time. 

Members Eligible to Vote 

In accordance with section 7(1)(d) of Black CAP By-Laws, a member must have 

submitted a membership application or membership renewal prior to June 18th, 2024, to be eligible to vote at the special meeting.

Please register for the Special Member’s Meeting through this link:

If you require childcare, please complete your response at least 24 hours before the meeting via the link above, and you will receive information about the childcare arrangements.

Nominations for Directors

To qualify as a director, an individual must

Individuals wishing to seek election at the special meeting as directors are invited to provide written notice of their candidacy to the Board ( 

All director candidates are requested to provide their name, email address, phone number, and residential address.

Director candidates may also provide, for circulation to members:

The Board will endeavor to make publicly available the names, write-up and photos of director candidates received prior to Monday, July 15, 2024, 12pm, and reserves the right to decline posting any write-up or photo deemed inappropriate. All nominations received after will be treated as nominations from the floor.

In accordance with section 10(4) of Black CAP By-Laws, nominations will be accepted from the floor.

We must never forget what really matters: the lives of the communities, particularly our black communities living with and affected by HIV/AIDS, who desperately need the services and support provided by Black CAP. 

With sincere gratitude and solidarity,

Board of Directors, Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention