MSM Outreach Program

Black gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, trans* and other men who have sex with men (MSM) make up a significant proportion of men in Toronto infected with HIV/AIDS. Approximately 1 in 5 Black MSM in Toronto are living with HIV and Black MSM make up 1 in 5 of all Black people living with HIV in Ontario.

The MSM Outreach Program conducts HIV/AIDS and sexual health educational outreach to MSM from African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities. We use creative  methods to inform and educate Black MSM about their risk for HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and to negotiate safer sex. The Program works to reach youth (16 to 29) and adult (30+) MSM ACB community members who are at risk for HIV/AIDS and STI 

The MSM Outreach Program is guided by four objectives:

The MSM Outreach Program:

To request a workshop, one-on-one session or to invite us to do outreach at your event please click here.

MSM community members are always welcome to join the MSM Outreach Team. The program relies heavily on the support of volunteers.  HIV knowledge is not a requirement and training is provided for all volunteers.

The Community Outreach Program is funded by Toronto Public Health under the Toronto Urban Health Fund.